Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lifedrawing -last class till year 3

Life Drawing class today- I was the unfortunate fool who forgot their newsprint for class- but I had a sketch book and I used my conte in it. Needless to say I like the results.
Top: We had to draw the model's pose in characterized way- then make up a story behind the character and THEN throw in a bg element that threw your 'idea' for the loop. Again conte.
Bottom: 45 minute study of model with conte.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Character Design- Seer

Our character designs for Animation Design class AND also a character from my comic book

Flying Machine- Battle Broom Model Sheet

AND TAA DAAA!!! THE MODEL SHEET!! ..*twitches* I see things I want to fix!!!


Here are the designs for the broom and how it started- used refrences from the pod-racers in StarWars. Added some little touches of witchy-ness. Including the pilot.

Added changes to the design to make it look more purrrdy. Played with pilot helmets too- kinda liked the owl theme.

And then the finalized thumb before the final design- its crazy how much it changes.

Flying Machine- Thumbs

Here are the FLYING MACHINE designs for our Design Class- All in out- a fun assignment. I don't draw alot of machin-ey-things so this a definent challange- I'd like to go back and fix up the corrects I SHOULD have made but thats what makes things fun. Taking something and making it FANTASTIC!

Step1: The thumbnail idea's- It was funny becuase this is how it went. The girls in class would make all the pretty and organic ships- the guys made the battle ships and guns....

Well Jac likes the guns and battleships.

Blowing things up is FUN!