Sc 05- After the scene of Sphinx and her left over meal- she stands up to show of her.. magnitude of how incredibly dangerous and bad-ass she is. And if her looming pose of howshe looks down at the Soldier doesn't get the... forboding feeling. Then the layout should, because there are bones EVERYWHERE. (I'm in the middle of the coloring that one as we speak)
Scene 07 and 09- brings out the main impact to the film- Its when the SPHINX and the Soldier finally meet face to to face. Its the final and most powerful show of tension and intimidation. First there is a dramatic upshot to the temple, as she prepare to leap down, from her perch. Animation-wise her wings is what going to pull her up into air.
And when she lands infront of the Soldier- she doesn't just land. She drops. There is going to be a camera shake, and the sound effect for it is just wicked. While poor Soldier tries REALLY hard NOT to wet himself.
Next scenes, starts delivering the dialogue- and thus the famous Sphinx's riddle.