Saturday, July 11, 2009

Concept Designs

These are big conceptual (FINALIZED) designs of the characters. They were drawn with colo-erase pencils on BIG slabs of bristol paper ( if some things are blurry its because I took them with my camera- then tried to brighten them up in photoshop)They're just to inform me on what the character looks like- their construction and what they are wearing in Chapter One.

Had a lot of fun with the Seer one- photoshop-manic-disease

Still have a few more to go. Should be done tomorrow.
I'll be starting the comic after this, and then I will post some of the panels that I really like. The Seer's room is a sure-thing becuase it might get used for my 3rd year Animation film- WHICH i need to get more designs done :P
I might as well glue a pencil to my hand.

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